Friend reader, The books of the Essene wisdom are for you.
How do we know? They are simply for all beings. The Essene wisdom is beyond fashion and cultures…

Friend reader, The books of the Essene wisdom are for you.
How do we know? They are simply for all beings. The Essene wisdom is beyond fashion and cultures.
It is the source from which all traditions, religions and philosophies are born, it is the current that connects them.
This teaching is addressed to the members of any religious movement as well as to the spiritualists and scientists who want to get closer to God through the study of divine wisdom or who aspire to understand the great laws of the visible or invisible universe. It is destined for all men and women who want to know and understand themselves, understand the world that surrounds us, to protect themselves from the empty information that is transmitted to us and be able to consciously choose the world they want to live in by saying no to certain realities


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