We are approaching the celebration of our Father Archangel Uriel, who will transmit the last psalms of the new Gospels of God to us….

We are approaching the celebration of our Father Archangel Uriel, who will transmit the last psalms of the new Gospels of God to us. In this way the new Bible will have been written by our community and we will offer it to the world with devotion and love. It is certainly a beautiful work and a great step. I would like for each one to take the time to measure the work that we have done during these last 14 years. I am aware that the work is still in progress and that it is far from being finished, but certain elements are starting to appear and take shape. I would like for you to concentrate on these elements so that they can receive energy from you and you can receive it from them.
One people, one nation, one community, one family are places of exchanges and fulfillment.


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